Mould Removal Specialist | Mould Exposure Symptom | Steamatic

Best practices for mould remediation

Extended exposure to high levels of moisture will lead to mould growing under coverings of floors, inside walls and in other areas where it is hard to reach. Some types of moulds aggravate damage to furnishings, destroy wood, and put the integrity of a structure at risk.

If there is a quick response to mould contamination, it will reduce the damage to the structure and reinstate a healthy environment. We at Steamatic proudly follow the strictest of industry protocols. We use advanced products, state-of-the-art procedures, and the latest equipment to assure the highest levels of mould remediation and safeguard the property and contents of our clients. Steamatic follows the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Guidelines for Assessment and Remediation of Fungi in Indoor Environments and the IICRC Standard for professional mould remediation -S520 

During mould remediation, if mould is discovered, after confirmation that it is a result of water damage (proximate cause), the following steps have to be adhered to: 

There must be a cessation of work, and the MIP’s (materially interested parties) have to be appraised of the microbial growth so that authorization can be received to initiate professional mould removal depending on the amount of mould discovered. 

These preliminaries settled, he did not care to put off any longer the execution of his design, urged on to it by the thought of all the world was losing by his delay, seeing what wrongs he intended to right, grievances to redress, injustices to repair, abuses to remove, and duties to discharge.

1. If there is a need for assessment by an independent Indoor Environmental Professional (based upon the standards elucidated above) and there is an establishment of a remediation protocol, Steamatic will go ahead and follow the provided scope of work.

2. If there is no requirement for an IEP for the scope of work, Steamatic will initiate mould removal from the affected areas by adhering to the industry standards and guidelines for best practices.

  1.  All Steamatic mould specialist technicians on site will wear PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) as well as respiratory protection.
  2.  They will set up the required containment of the affected area, so that there is the prevention of cross-contamination to the u必利勁 naffected areas. It may be necessary to contain walls, ceilings, as well as flooring by the mould removal specialist if there is an indication of visible growth of mould.
  3.  The affected area will be placed under negative pressure in those spots where there is evidence of visible growth of mould and/or there is a potential risk to the health of the building. It is critical to initiate quick action there is remediation and prevention of the occurrence of mould.
  4.  There will be an installation of air scrubbers that have HEPA filters so that there will be a reduction in the airborne spores in and around the affected areas.
  5.  Dehumidifiers will be installed to dry out the environment.
  6.  There will be a removal of the wet and the affected building materials that are porous like the underlay, the carpet, plasterboard, rotted timber, and insulation. The porous building materials cannot be treated with either chemicals or processes that would try to circumvent the necessity of removal of these materials.
  7.  While removing mould from walls, the disposal of the materials contaminated by mould has to be done in such a manner that there is no cross-contamination e.g. from plastic wrapping to another material. These materials happen to be un-recyclable.
  8.  In the case of the timber structure, there will be HEPA vacuuming and sanding of the surface.
  9.  There will be application as well as the removal of an antimicrobial product with the help of hand wiping or with a spray.
  10.  After the remediation is complete, an air scrubber will be used for 24 hours. It will help to filter the ambient air and bring about a reduction in the total amount of spores in the affected area.
  11.  The area affected will be left dry and free from debris, dust, or mould. All the building materials will be effectively dried to the pre-loss condition.
  12.  24 hours after air scrubbing is completed, it is suggested that an independent entity performs the air sampling of the affected area, as well as the outside area which functions as a control, to deem the microbial presence in the affected area to be within the acceptable levels. If the affected area levels are less than the control levels, they are deemed as acceptable.


N.B. Usage of particulate meters for clearance is not seen as an appropriate practice of testing for the clearances of mould remediation. If Post Remediation Clearance Verification (PRV) is not achieved, Steamatic takes the responsibility of re-cleaning and re-assessing the area.

Insured Covered Event or not?
In areas where water damage is not the cause of mould exposure symptoms, Steamatic will notify the findings to responsible party and take advice and direction on further procedure. If the responsible parties instruct Steamatic that they need the areas to be remediated, Steamatic can/will contract with them for remediation of the area as a separate contract apart from the water damage.