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1. Purpose

As part of our commitment to achieving the principles of responsible environmental management, sustainability and protection of the natural environment, we recognise our moral and legal responsibility to minimise our environmental footprint, and to ensure that our activities, products and services do not place the natural environment or the local community at risk of harm.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all employees, contractors, visitors, and stakeholders involved in our organisation's activities. It encompasses all workplaces, including offices, remote locations, and field sites.

3. Commitment and Responsibility

Management Senior management is responsible for setting a clear example of environmental leadership and providing necessary resources for effective environmental management. They will regularly review the Environmental Policy to ensure its relevance and effectiveness. Complacency and poor governance will not be tolerated, and Management will be held accountable by the Board / Executive Committee.

Supervisors and Team Leaders Supervisors and team leaders are responsible for implementing and promoting the Environmental Policy within their respective areas of responsibility. They must ensure that their teams receive adequate training, have access to necessary equipment, and follow established environmental procedures. Non-compliance will not be tolerated and may result in disciplinary action.

Employees and Contractors: All employees and contractors are responsible for environmental compliance. They must follow all established environmental procedures and standards, report hazards and incidents promptly, and actively participate in environmental training and awareness programs. Non-compliance will not be tolerated and may result in disciplinary action.

4. Aims and Objectives

We are committed to environmental sustainability and the prevention of pollution. We will achieve this by working with our customers, suppliers and the community to adopt procedures that:

  • take significant environmental aspects and impacts into account throughout our operations

  • use energy and natural resources wisely and efficiently, eliminate and minimise waste, and re-use and recycle where practicable

  • reduce polluting substances produced by our operations, activities, products or services

  • minimise the impact of our operations on the neighbouring community

  • increase the use of environmentally acceptable materials, equipment and technology in place of those which are considered harmful

  • ensure that our suppliers follow acceptable environmental policies, and

  • actively promote environmental awareness among workers, clients, customers and the general public.

5. Legal and Regulatory Compliance

We are committed to complying with all applicable local, regional, and national Environmental laws and regulations. Our activities will be carried out in accordance with industry standards and best practices.

6. Risk Management

We are committed to identifying and assessing potential environmental hazards. Hazard assessments will be conducted regularly, and control measures will be implemented to minimize impact.

7. Consultation and Communication

Open communication and collaboration are crucial to upholding our environmental standards and performance improvement. We encourage employees and stakeholders to report hazards, incidents, and concerns promptly. Regular meetings, feedback channels, and communication platforms will be utilised to ensure everyone is informed and engaged in Environmental matters.

8. Incident Management

In the unfortunate event of an incident, we will promptly respond, investigate, and implement corrective actions to prevent recurrence. All incidents, regardless of severity, will be reported, recorded, and analysed to enhance our environmental systems.

9. Continuous Improvement

We are committed to a culture of continuous improvement in environmental risk management. Regular reviews of performance, incident data, and feedback will drive updates to policies, procedures, and training to enhance our environmental practices.

Resources Allocation Adequate resources, including financial, human, and technological resources, will be allocated to support the effective implementation of our WHS and Environmental impact program.

  • Reviewed by Courtney Rowe HR & WHS Manager 10/09/2024

  • Endorsed by Will Threlfall CEO 10/09/2024